Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Coronavirus- It's all in the name

Covid nineteen is meandering here and there 
It's like a bad man's happy cheer,
everything is dark and black
but, hope is what we shouldn't lack.
With this virus , people are dying,
What's going on?? All are crying.
All are longing to leave their den,
like those old days, roaming again,
all works are halted, games are ended,
breaking the rules , life may be suspended.
There is stillness everywhere,
all the lips are busy in prayer.
There's nowhere to go and no one to see,
hope, the world will be very soon free.
The streets are all empty and forlorn
the nation all tattered and torn.
All are sitting lonely, avoiding the wreck,
just sad and hopeless, what the heck!!
Until we find another way,
be indoors and quietly stay,
even the temperature is rising,
the numbers are persistently climbing.
Not only US & Italy but the world is fighting,
whereas, the corona is constantly biting.
It contaminates and does us harm,
making us as weak as worm.
But the environment is clean
and mountains can be clearly seen,
the nature blessed with perpetual green.
The issues are Quarantine, social distancing
and isolation room,
whole world has become a palace of gloom.
The whole economy is being damaged,
an invisible foe so horrid and savage.
Generation to suffer indeed,
it will take a decade to fulfill Empire's need.
Whole world is going to be irrevocably altered,
those poor being unsheltered.
Sickness, starvation, incurable disease
eating away at humanity,
Then why creating more by our insanity?

I wrote this poem a month ago, at that time there were less cases in India but now the condition has become worst, so please stay at home and stay safe. 
Hope you all like it.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Blissful Paradise

One evening sitting in a garden, 
I was gazing at the azure sky,
smiling clouds
and the chirping birds flying high.

The grass so green, the daisies,
roses, lilies and 
the lawns of clover, 
the jasmine giving its sweet scent
over and over.

I was looking at the butterflies 
dancing from flower to flower,
humming of the bees
and the enchanting beauty
made me feel like heaven for an hour.

The children playing in the glory
are so carefree, 
hand in hand walking through
the meadows,
to catch a little sparrow sitting
on a green tree.

Can there be anything more
lovely than this?
The ambience so serene,
where you lose yourself
and find eternal bliss.

Hope u all like it.

वो तुम थे जो बदल गए

मैंने तो सारे वादे को निभाया रिश्ते को सफल बनाया हर कोशिश मैंने की, तुम्हारी मुस्कुराहट बनाए रखने की, वो तुम थे जो बदल गए।   मैं तो चल पड़ी थ...